Thursday 16 February 2012

Why we smoke weed

People drink because they depressed, excited, celebrating, or just because they finished a shift. Why do people smoke marijuana? This is why I do:

I have always been lost in things, picking up new hobbies that always fail, meeting new people but discovering too many differences rather than commonalities. It's a long list. But when I smoke I'm different (not split personality). I personally thing that when I am high, My traits that I know I don't want are suppressed and my best qualities flourish. I feel that when I smoke I'm free to be with my thoughts and memories, allowing me to discover how to excel, how to simple be better than my current self. In short, I smoke until I'm so high that I forget who I am. At this point, I am able to rediscover myself in a more polished form.

Why do you get high? Comment below!

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