Thursday, 18 October 2012

The Drigh Times

This shit blows. Have you ever had your tolerance climb so high that the ganj' won't even give you a buzz. I have. It's called bong pong ladies and gentlemen, and it's a killer. Get ready for your tolerance to shoot through the fucking roof after a few weeks of this game! I am in the middle of taking a month or so break in order to restore balance to what was my ability to get faded. Here's how it works:

1 on 1:

1: 6 cups (or more) per side
2: Only use one ball! If the ball is sunk, return it to the shooter for another shot and remove the cup before the shot is taken. It allows multiple sinks, resulting in chain hoots (one hit per cup BONGS ONLY)
3: Rollbacks mean trick shot, but you only get one chance, if it rolls back to you off the trick shot you're SOL, so dish it over.
4: Bounce = 2 cups but can be defended against after the first bounce
5: HOOTS must be taken before your next shot
6: Once the last cup is sunk, the losing opponent has one shot to tie, if missed the game is over, if sunk, the game continues like usual.
7: Rematch is the victor's choice


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